Ready or Not on sale now

Ready or Not (concept only)Ready or Not is now on sale!

This does not include the print edition, sadly.  I’m having arguments with the layout for no reason that makes logical sense.  It should only be another few hours to couple of days.

Too the various ebook retailers take their own variable time-frames to put the book on their virtual shelves.  If your favourite doesn’t have it yet — give it a few more hours.  If it isn’t there by 6pm US/Eastern then please contact me.  Odds are I already know about it, but can’t hurt to make sure.


Available now for us$3.99 (and various proportionate prices in various other countries and currencies) from:





Ready or Not pre-orders

Ready or Not (concept only)Well, it’s finally done with my editor.  A quick proofread by me and some arguing with the various retailers, then the book will be available.

Smashwords and iBooks allow pre-orders, though it is not yet listed with Apple.  Smashwords is another story.

I’ll have the first two chapters up for samples sometime in the next couple of days.

The release is scheduled for 26 July.  Even if Apple doesn’t get the pre-order set up before then, the book ought to be available for purchase and download by then.

The other retailers: Kobo, DriveThru Fiction, All Romance eBooks, Kindle, and Nook will start showing up on that date as they each complete their own listing processing.

There, of course, will also be a print edition; and most likely a Goodreads give-away for an autographed copy or two.

Love or Lust will be reduced to us$2.99, Ready or Not will be us$3.99 their print editions will remain us$17.99.

Hope you will enjoy it as much as you did book 1.  It was certainly a lot of fun to write if not nearly so much fun to edit.  Book 3 still has no title, but one will be announced by the end of the year.

Celebrating July

English: Fireworks on the Fourth of July
English: Fireworks on the Fourth of July (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

It’s July.  Ready or Not will be out this month (depending how horrible some of my mistakes are between here and the end of the book — a few days to another week or two!) and my birthday all in the same month!

To celebrate this Love or Lust is free, everywhere I can set it to free, all month.  Amazon should set itself to free automatically sooner or later (I don’t have control of the price below 99¢); Nook doesn’t like the word free unless it’s a public domain or I personally strike a deal with their marketing division or something that would involve buying a really nice dress I can’t afford and speaking businessese.  Everyone else ought to be reflecting a 100% discount as of yesterday.

Hope everyone is enjoying the summer.

New estimate

Ready or Not is coming along pretty well, not as quickly as I’d like or had hoped, but it’s not as far off track as I’d feared.

To be frank it’s got rougher edges and so is needing a more thorough polish than Love or Lust did, as well my editor is taking things a bit slower this time around because she’s terribly embarrassed at some of the errors that managed to still be in the first book despite her editing.

That said, book two could be out as early as the anniversary of the first book.  The more likely date is about a week later than that — around 3 – 6 July; worst case scenario we’re looking at mid-July (barring some catastrophic mess that carries things beyond even that).

All told it is going well, and the story came out pretty decently and the edits are really making it shine I think.  So the wait, I feel, will be worth it if you can all be patient a little longer I think it’ll be enjoyable.

I’m, of course, working on book 3 as well.  It still doesn’t have a title because — frankly — I’m not far enough along to be entirely sure what it’s about.  Still, I’ve some rather great bits so far, and it should go pretty smoothly (though, now I’ve said that, I’m going to hit a case of writer’s block 60km thick and made of adamantium).  I really can’t imagine it being out sooner than spring 2015 and will likely be summer 2015, though if the rest of the book goes as well as these first chapters have we could be looking at a Dec/Jan release (just don’t hold your breath).

Ready or Not getting even closer!

Ready or Not (concept only)At the extraordinary risk of causing fate to set my editor’s computer on fire I will say that the final editing is going phenomenally!

I’d love to say ‘as of <dd’ Month> you can pre-order and it’ll launch on <dd” Month>, but I can’t.  Not yet.

Thing is, if the book continues to need nothing more than repairing my lovely typographical errors and tidying up my idiosyncratic approach to punctuation and capitalisation then the book could potentially be through with editing by the end of this month, meaning I could announce the opening of pre-orders for 01 April, and release on Easter.  How cool is that?!

However it is entirely too early to have strict confidence in that possibility.  I won’t have the necessary certainty, I imagine, until I see what date the book is at its half-way point.

All told I don’t think (barring Murphy’s Law invoking itself and a meteor falling on my editor and her computer, landing her in a comatose state for several months in hospital …) there’ll be much reason to doubt a May release with an April start to pre-orders.  Cross fingers, pray, offer sacrifices (fruits, nuts, bread/cakes, whiskey, a portion of an animal you already planned to dine upon not the other sort please!!), wear your lucky socks … whatever works for you.

Pre-ordery goodnes!!

So I was poking around on Smashwords today and discovered something wonderful!  They offer pre-order!

This is outrageously awesome.

Now, a few things to bear in mind:  I do not distribute through Smashword’s Premium Catalogue.  I go to each marketplace myself.  Apple, Kobo (if I recall correctly), and (now) Smashwords allows this.  Amazon does not, DriveThru Fiction … I don’t think so, and neither does Nook (unless they’ve changed something, too).  All Romance eBooks, I’m still getting the hang of, they may offer pre-order and I’ve bungled right past it so I won’t hazard a guess either way.

Still — for everywhere I can — I will be putting Ready or Not up for pre-order just as soon as I have a date I’m comfortable it’ll be ready for release on.

I’m almost ill with excitement and nervousness.  I do so sincerely hope you’ll all enjoy it as much or more than Love or Lust!  I’ll warn those who have very strict notions of what a plot is:  this is very much more slice of life; it’s better seen as several little plots carrying the thread of a central theme … and I’ve exhausted everything I remember from literature classes (I loved my high school lit teachers, but loathed the subject … in college I loathed both the professor and subject).  I’ll ask my editor to give me the literary way of saying what it is sometime later today and tell you more tonight or tomorrow.  I’m better at saying what things are about, myself.

P.S. for my fellow WordPressers who still want those neat Zemanta services for related articles, suggested links, suggested tags, etc.  There’s a browser plugin for that!  Safari, Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer (oh God, I nearly typed ‘Exploder’ … I’d rather take a lit class than use IE).  Opera is, however, not supported; all other browsers I can think of (Tor, Flock, etc) are modified Firefox, so should be fine to use the one for it.

Love or Lust (ebook) now on sale!

Love or Lust coverUntil 2 March 2014 you can get Love or Lust in ebook for 75% off!

I wanted to celebrate how very close I am to having Ready or Not on shelves and this seemed a good way to do it.

I desperately wish I could cut my print price too — but that option still is simply not possible.

Follow the links to the book’s page, from there it can take you to your favourite ebookstore.

If your favourite still shows the normal price — give it a couple hours to a day.  I just launched the sale, and some stores don’t update in real time (Nook, Kobo, and Kindle I know don’t).


As I sit here enjoying a bit of pizza while waiting for my power to be restored (gas stove, lights by match … modern gas oven with buttons? Not so much) I’ve hit the end of Ready or Not!!

Okay, I feel very good about what I have. I still have to give it back to my editor, though. Still … depending her own workload this could be out as early as next month, but expect April or May with June on the outside.

I’m thinking I might put Love or Lust on sale to celebrate. I’ll get back to you on that. Sales are a wretch from a cell phone and no computer at the moment.

P.s. Forgive me if my typos are worse than usual, I am using a cell phone.

Half way there

This edit pass of Ready or Not is going amazingly smoothly.  I’m already about half through it all and have mostly been fixing typos.  This bodes very well for moving up the release date!

I’m hoping, if this pace continues, to have this in my editor’s hands by the end of the month — maybe end of the first week of February at the latest.  She has to do another pass; no way to avoid it, my grammar and orthography can get pretty lousy at points — my schooling included little education, and less where English was concerned.  Too, I’m loathe to ever release anything that hasn’t been looked at by another set of eyes after being written/changed.

Depending when she can start the editing process on her end … in a perfect world we’d be looking at an early March release!  But more realistically I’d say no earlier than April or May.

Getting somewhere

Ready or Not is a step closer to release.

I’m in the process of another proofreading pass.  This one, sadly, is less a polish run and more of a revision/redraft/rewrite than when I’d don’t this for Love or Lust, but such is life.  The importance of that distinction is that it means I’m that much more likely to need till June to release.  With luck things will be swift and smooth enough that I’ll be done with this by March and able to give over to my editor for that last check for typos and grammar mistakes … if that’s the case we could see release by April or May.  So, fingers are crossed.

I’ve written one, and may write other short stories that expand things from the final book.  Still trying to decide if I ought to do that before or after putting the book out.  Probably after, at least for the one written already, since it spoils a surprise.