It never fails

No matter how hard we try there’s always something in our final, published to the public, books that is just plain wrong.

Today I noticed three.

The first came from the beautiful (truly, these are just stunningprint copies of Love or Lust that arrived today:  in the print version there’s a blank page between chapters 20 and 21.  It’s not there in the .docx file.  It’s a quirk of converting to PDF – something I had to do to get the very pretty fonts for the title page, headers, and chapter names.

The second was a sudden realisation:  I was using a draft copy of the copyright notice where I hadn’t made a final decision about the art yet!  I hadn’t listed the very talented photographer who’d taken that picture as I ought’ve.  This has been remedied.  Very sorry Oteo.

Finally, despite, I swear, copying and pasting the name from their website since I can’t bloody spell it to save my life, I still had Juilliard misspelt in all three places I refer to it ~head hung in shame~.  I have now added the first i to the word.

Let it never be said that publishing, in any regard, isn’t an adventure.

Getting caught up

Well my debacle with Word did set me back a few days, unfortunately, but I’m managing to catch up. Tonight I’m as far along as I should have been this time Thursday. Given that I spent the better part of Thursday catching back up to this time Monday, though … that’s progress.

As of right now I still assume 29 June will be the release date. I intend to double my editing time, not only to the catch up point but to the end. What that ought to do is finish this proofread with a week to spare so I can spend that time quintiple checking the eBooks are working properly and that the print edition is not off centre.

I’m pretty much decided on us$3.99 or $4.99 for the ePrice. This seems most consistent with the length of this story in this genre, competitively priced against the big press books, a dollar or two cheaper, but still high enough to be taken seriously. That said I’m half tempted to make it 99¢ and leave it there just to see what happens.

I’m going to start working on some Project Wonderful ads, so keep an eye out for those if you’re the sort to take interest in such things. Just don’t expect great things; my Photoshop and GIMP skills are less than elite, they’re potentially less than amateur in fact.

We shall see.

I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m excited. Less than a fortnight left to go! I think I may be sick.

Cover Art

Editing of Love or Lust continues apace.  Not as rapid a pace as I’d like, but such is life.  It’s a lot less urgent since I’ve hit a spell of writer’s block in Ready or Not, but patience isn’t always one of my greatest virtues.

I’ve a dear friend of many years who is a wonderful and talented artist who has agreed to design a cover image for me, but he is a very busy man with a business of his own (Video Game Heaven, Augusta, Ga on Peach Orchard Rd for those who’re interested.) so I’ve fired up photoshop and made a Plan B/Place Holder cover image.

Believe me, his should be better than this.  Though I am curious to know thoughts, so please answer the attached poll.

It uses this Creative Commons image.