Could someone, please, explain Pinterest to me?!

Not really, so much, the how to use it.  That, after several attempts I almost think I sort of might eventually understand on my own.  Rather, why Pinterest?!

What is the fascination with that site?

Pretty pictures?  I can sort of dig that.  I like looking at pretty pictures.  I’ve spent many an hour on Google Image Search, Creative Commons Search, and similar.  What’s so special about Pinterest?

Tumblr is a bit easier to make sense of — which is a scary thing to say:  Tumblr isn’t the most intuitive site I’ve ever used.

I just made another attempt to explore Pinterest and try to make some sort of sense of it.  Some effort to understand the appeal, the purpose, the meaning of this site.  I’ve failed.  Therefore, I ask you, my readers.  Is there some purpose in Pinterest’s existence?

Twitter I can almost fathom, I mean it’s a public IM.  Why a public IM?  No clue, but … you know … some people juggle geese.

Facebook sort of makes sense, and given some of its design eccentricities aren’t known to many of its users it’s not too hard to dig.  On paper Facebook I can see how it’d appeal to some people.  My main beef with it is almost entirely how it’s coded, laid out, and designed.

MySpace … yeah, okay, who cares, right?

But not Pinterest.  No, this one is an enigma.