Now & Forever ABCs (Olivia, Alphonz & Lorenzo)

Olivia Fiona, Alphonz Hector, and Lorenzo Orfeo Abategiovanni

9 October 1981 & 14 June 1968

Lorenzo is the elder brother of the twins, Alphonz and Olivia.  Lorenzo and Olivia own the little bistro in Falcon Grove called Lorenzo’s, all three share in the work of operating it.

The trio were born in New York, though when the twins were very young their parents died and they came out west to live with their aunt Helen in Portland.

Olivia has always had a keen head and eye for business, Lorenzo was a master in the kitchen, and Alphonz preferred to work with his siblings than for some uncaring boss.  Lorenzo had another small restaurant in Portland, and Olivia was often helping him keep his books and giving him very sound advice even before she was out of eighth grade.  By the time the twins graduated they were full employees of Lorenzo’s restaurant.

While the trio were very fond of their aunt and the home they had with her, they were none of them extremely fond of the Portland area and elected to leave.  Lorenzo hired a manager and a chef for his place there and left Helen in charge of overseeing that it was run properly and they moved north in 2004.

That year Olivia started taking ill.  She was diagnosed with cancer and started on treatments.  Between radiation and chemo Olivia was feeling just as ill, and by 2009 she was tired of them.  She begged her family to stop taking her to the treatments, and was told she had only months to live.

Lucas and Yvette learnt of the young woman’s story and offered to try a treatment that could possibly help — some people had successfully held other advanced cancers at bay with it, though none with her particular form and advanced stage, that they were aware of.

The treatments proved successful, though Lucas and Yvette still refuse to accept payment for it — they had refused initially since they couldn’t even promise it would help (though it certainly couldn’t hurt), and now because they feel it unethical to start charging her simply because they discovered they were right.  Olivia is still dying, but she has an estimated couple of years now instead of only a few months.

The brothers, who adore their sister and have always been extremely protective of, tend to treat the Conners family with a certain VIP status, trying in whatever ways they can to show their gratitude for every day they still have with Olivia.