Now & Forever ABCs (Sarah)

I’m terribly sorry I didn’t get this posted yesterday, when I should have, but I was rather busy with work and pets while fending off a terrible migraine.  I’m better now and the workload isn’t as obscene so all should be well to wrap up the Ss, look for any more Ts, and so forth.

Sarah Esmerelda Theresa Boone

20 August 1996
Roman Catholic

Sarah is one of Lauren’s oldest friends; the two met while playing at the park together when they were three.

Sarah’s parents are corporate lawyers, something she finds horribly distasteful even if she does rather enjoy some of the benefits of the incredible salaries this provides them.  Especially she loves getting to ride in her father’s Ferrari.

Sarah herself is a bit of a whimsical child, and often comes off as barely much brighter than Allison though she is, quite possibly, the smartest one of the bunch.  Sarah just isn’t interested in school subjects.  She does well, she makes good grades, but she takes little interest in anything that isn’t her cheerleading as far as school goes.  For her it doesn’t matter how good or bad her grades are, so long as she gets the SAT or ACT scores to get into a decent school, and even if it does turn out to be important she has high enough grades she could jump several ranks just by deciding to do her homework more often.

Outside of her cheerleading, Sarah enjoys video games, books, movies, TV, and everything else you’d expect of a teenager.  She’s also deeply enamoured with the work of Mother Theresa, even taking Theresa as her Confirmation name, and while not seeming to apply herself very hard in school she is paying attention and learning — for the moment, at least, she hopes to become a doctor and work on The Africa Mercy hospital ship.