Still room in the next edition

I know a lot of you following this blog are authors, and virtually all of you who are authors are of the indie sort.

We all know exposure is hard to come by.  Our books can’t sell if no one knows they exist!  So, we need rooftops to shout from, metaphorical as well as physical.

Indie Book Buffet‘s second edition isn’t full yet.  This magical link will whisk you away on ethereal winds to the form where you submit your title to them.

It’s free, the people who run the eZine are very friendly and wonderful.  It’s win-win.  Even better?  It can only work better.  I was in the first issue, yet there clearly were people who read the zine, the give-away I was part of had its 5 winners (all of whom got a free copy of Love or Lust from DriveThruFiction).

So!  Go on, check it out, you know you want to.

Indie Book Buffet

Well, today is the first of August.  So the first issue of the Indie Book Buffet is out.  Also their contest is open for all.

Just downloaded the eZine myself, so we’ll see what it’s like.  As one might notice from the cover, I’m in it this month.  Also I’ve contributed to the contest for this month.

In other news the ABCs thing will resume later today.  Sorry for the lapse, but I was rather ill.  Hard to concentrate when you feel like you’ve some terrible plague.