Moved! And staying bloody put.

The Berkshire Hills, part of the Appalachian M...
The Berkshire Hills, part of the Appalachian Mountains, in winter (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

It was insanity, it was … moving sucks.  I am not doing it again.

I’m settling in here in the Berkshires, and loving it here.  Maybe if I ever hit the level of best seller wherein I have millions of dollars I’ll buy a quiet island somewhere in Nova Scotia or Norway or something, but that’s different. That’s me paying several very large and well built individuals with nothing better to do to come out and put all my stuff into boxes which they will then load onto a big damned truck and drive off into the sunset for me and will catch me up later as I pile into a car/plane and wave goodbye to Massachusetts.

Then again, I really do like it here rather a lot and my do nothing of the sort.

I’ve been spending the week running back and forth from the Berkshires to Springfield so I’ve been too tired to get to writing, but I’m really feeling better and better with each day.  Stress is melting away, and writing is waiting right there on the fringes.  I’m getting itchy for a pen and paper, but it’s not quite there.  For one thing I have groceries to go buy today.

Please hold the snow comments.  Believe me, I could have got snow moving all of 1hr north of Augusta.  It doesn’t take rocket science to realise that it snows in New England.  I’m looking forward to it, in fact.  The roads here generally stay well plowed, I’m told, but if they should get too slick for the driving I can walk to work from where I live if I just leave a bit earlier.

Curiously, the taxes (so far) have been quite a bit less than Georgia, and prices have been comparable; a few things are higher, some things the same or lower, all in all it’s as I expected rather than as people would say.  It’s amazing the “truths” people cling to.  It’s kind of like “Walmart has the lowest prices”, no it doesn’t.  “The south has such friendly and polite people”, are you kidding me?!  The people impressing me with their manners, friendliness, and generosity are the New Englanders hands down!

Suffice to say, I think I’m home.

An update!

Oh, look!  Alive I still am!

So, this summer has been Hell.  No … wait … Hell is cooler.  Seriously we’ve spent the past several months breaking records, the high ones.  I’ve also had a nightmare work schedule at a terrible job … and to top it off there’s the fun of job searching, then finding … and now trying to move from Georgia to Massachusetts.

This is not seeking sympathy (though it wouldn’t go amiss), but rather to illustrate that writing has happened little due to stress (there ought to be a word for worse-than-stress-no-not-quite-try-aiming-higher).  Even if Book 3 were finished it would be nigh impossible to type it due to the energy requirements’ likelihood of resulting in heat stroke to say nothing of the toll to the computer, and forget editing.

I’m looking forward to the move.  I miss my boys; they would’ve loved where we’re headed, but it’s a chance to move on.  At least it’s bloody gorgeous up there; very conducive to writing spells.