Now this is just insulting

Below is a screenshot of a bit of comment spam that WP caught for me this morning.

This is just insulting!  Cooking video?!  Are they even trying?!  I mean Regarding Fanfic, I’m fairly certain, doesn’t contain anything that any properly written algorithm should decide is about cooking.

I mean, come on people!  If you’re going to run a scam, you’ve got to try harder!  Just a little more effort, just a little more, and that might have just about looked like a legitimate comment … to someone who wasn’t paying attention, maybe, but still.  But, no, of course not.  They have to go talking about cooking.  I don’t talk about cooking, so red flag number one.  Oh look, it’s on my fanfic policy page … duh.

I hope that computers reach the point they’re at in Jeph JacquesQuestionable Content comic soon, simply because I’d love to think that no self-respecting sentient machine would allow itself to send such insultingly undisguised nonsense.

stupid spam

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